- Veg Bed #1
- Green toms - only 2, I think
- MG [Morning Glory] has 2nd real leaf
- Other 2 vining things reaching for the sun - about 2" tall
- Veg Bed #2
- Alaskan Fancy - 10+ green tomes, some have turned that pre-ripening light white green
- Tom that I thought was a yellow pear has decidedly round fruit forming
- Stunted sun flower blooming under Marigold and Cosmos
- Buds ready to open on Marigold
- Many tiny wax beans
- 2 Cukes growing strong
- Veg Bed #3
- Black eye peas - more nearing harvest; only a few blooms now
- 2 two little yellow squash and 1 zuke ripening
- 2 sunflowers blooming - took pictures - they are about 3 ft tall with 4 inch blooms - need to find out how long it took from seeding to flower. [later, undated note] 2 months from seed to bloom
- 10+ green toms of various kinds
- Lemon basil ready to shear back again
- Regular basil ready for another harvest
- Flower basils are pretty much done [2013-08-11] I usually plant some basils in strategic places around the garden and let them bloom - they attract enormous amounts of pollinators - and in the desert, we need to bring in as many as we can find
- watered orchard & veg beds
- Took lots of photos - some at night
- Apple Tree Thoughts for Fall Planting
- Grand Gala (pol. grand gala, granny smith)
- Sept Wonder Fuji (pol. grand gala, granny smith)
- Red Fuji (pol gran gala, granny smith)
- That's about $70 for 3 trees
- Sunflower saving strategy - cover ripening heads with paper bags sprayed with deer-off
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