- Water garlic, peas, spinach, daffodils
- Pulled grass from 3 west rows in corn patch and added osmocote fertilizer. It is ready to receive seeds
- Finalized oasis plan [Note 2018-12-16: don't remember what the Oasis was supposed to be.]
- 6 flying saucers morning glories
- 6 purple white stripped morning glories
- 6 star of yenta [morning glories]
- Lots African Marigold
- 6 Mexican Sunflower
- Summer thyme
- Lemon Balm
- Anise Basil
- Salad Burnet
- Crystal White Wax Onion
- Pepper Mint
- Pkg Scarlet O'Hara [MG]
- Pkg Heavenly Blue [MG]
- Pkg Tall Mixed [MG]
- Pkg Forget-Me-Not
- Pkg Purple Cone Flower
- Spinach - Bloomsdale
- Spinach - Matador
- Sages - Broad Leaf, Blue Bedder Salvia, Culinary Sage
- Garlic Chives
- Basil - unknown small leaf, cinnamon
- Lemon cuke
- MG - ground
- Lavender moon flower
How did this entry get here? What are Journal Entries? https://www.thelittlebiddyhenhouse.com/2018/12/combining-blogs.html
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