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Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 11 - The Little Chickie Photo Op Teaser

Just a teaser today.  Heated my little mini-green house up to 90*F and took a bunch of photos on Sunday (by bunch, I mean hundreds).  They were quite happy at 90*F.  I was sweltering.  Click on the picture to see larger versions of the photos.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Eggs from my big girls. Probably from our Buff Rocks.

Showing our attitude.  Am I a Dominique or a Barred Rock?
You can't see my feet, but judging by my feet color, I might be a Dominique.

We've got a secret!


  1. These are great! We are looking at chicken coops right now. Do you have any recommendations on where to buy?

    1. There are a lot of options; a lot of "it depends..." I will FB Message you tonight. Predator-proof is a big consideration. We converted an old 12x12 horse barn/stall - but I've got 21 chickens ;)


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